Recensione : Recensire questo romanzo non è semplice, in quanto alla domanda lo consiglieresti la risposta sincera è : non lo so. Andiamo con ordine. Posso già escludere che mi capiterà quest’anno di leggere un altro libro scritto come Sorry, in cui non c’è un unico narratore ma i fatti progrediscono attraverso la “voce” dei 4 protagonisti più un uomo che non c’era e un sempre più inquietante “TU”. Questo espediente, se da un lato rende impossibile la lettura da comodino, in quanto a distanza di ore o avete la memoria da elefante o sarete sempre costretti a fare un passo indietro, dall’altro rende la lettura sempre viva e dinamica, con un ritmo eccellente. L’idea poi di aprire un agenzia che possa scusarsi al tuo posto offre, anche in un libro più noir, la possibilità reale che ci sia di scindere colpe da colpevoli. Man mano che si va avanti, ti trovi a vivere i fatti più che a leggerli. Alcune scene cruente completano l’opera. Io ho avuto la possibilità di “spararmelo” sul Messina-Roma me lo sono goduto a pieno. Tornando alla domanda iniziale direi che Sorry è qualcosa di diverso, un esordio letterario brillante che secondo me meriterebbe l’attenzione di chi è disposto a “rischiare” di leggere qualcosa che poi, a prescindere dal gusto personale, risulterà difficile da ritrovare.
Votazione : 4/5
Dettagli :
- Rilegato: 490 pagine
- Editore: Fazi (29 ottobre 2009)
- Lingua: Italiano
- ISBN-10: 8864110534
- ISBN-13: 978-8864110530
Video-Trailer :
Book description :
One. Two. Three. That’s all it takes to drive the nail into her head, to leave her hanging on the wall. She deserved to die. Now all he needs is absolution for his sins, and he knows just the people who can help.
We know what you should say. We say what you want to hear.
Kris, Tamara, Wolf, and Frauke. Four young friends with too much time on their hands and one big idea: an agency called Sorry. Unfair dismissals, the wrongly accused, jilted lovers: everyone has a price and the Sorry team will find out what that is. It’s as simple as that. The idea catches on like wildfire and the quartet are soon raking in the cash, doing the emotional dirty work for fat cats, businessmen, and the romantically challenged. But what they didn’t count on is that their latest client would be a killer. Standing face-to-face with a brutally murdered woman, Kris and Wolf suddenly realize that the philosophy that has brought them so much success may have a flaw in it. And what they are compelled to do by the person who has contracted them is to dispose of the body. But who is the killer and why has he killed her? Someone is mocking them for playing God, and hell is only just beginning.
Intricately plotted, breathtakingly paced, utterly original, Sorry plunges the reader into a world whose connections dazzle the mind. Once you have read it, you will never be able to say “sorry” in quite the same way again.
Reviewing this novel is not easy, since to the question “would you recommend it?” the honest answer would be: I do not know. First things first.
I can already rule out that this year I happen to read another book written as Sorry, where there is a single narrator but the facts are progressing through the “voice” of the 4 main characters plus a man who was not there and always a more disturbing “You”.
This expedient, if on the one hand makes it impossible to bedside reading (as after few hours or you have the memory of an elephant or you will always be forced to take a step back) on the other it makes reading more alive and dynamic, with an excellent rate. Opening an agency that offers to apologize to your place, make you think that there is the real possibility of separating guilt from blame. As you go along, you find yourself living the facts rather than reading them. Some gory scenes complete the work. I have had the opportunity to read the whole book on the train from Rome to Messina (6 hours) I’ve enjoyed to the full. Returning to the beginning question, I would say that Sorry is something different, a brilliant literary debut that I think deserves the attention of anyone who is willing to “risk” to read something then, regardless of personal taste, it will be difficult to find elsewhere.
Rating: 4/5
Details :
- Hardcover: 320 pages
- Publisher: Knopf (September 20, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9780307273550
- ISBN-13: 978-0307273550
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