Primo capitolo della serie che ha per protagonista l’avvocato Rebecka e il commissario Anna-Maria Mella. Ambientato nella fredda, freddissima Svezia, il romanzo è ben scritto e cattura l’attenzione del lettore. Buona la trama e la tensione creata dall’autrice. Secondo me il primo romanzo di una serie dovrebbe avere almeno due requisiti : dovrebbe ovviamente essere una buona storia, ma dovrebbe oltremodo creare delle curiosità circa il vissuto dei personaggi che spinge il lettore ad andare avanti nei successivi capitoli della serie. Åsa Larsson lo fa e e lo fa pure bene. Non è un romanzo trascendentale, ma senz’altro un buon giallo e un’ottimo esordio.
Votazione : 4/5
Book description :
On the floor of a church in northern Sweden, the body of a man lies mutilated and defiled–and in the night sky, the aurora borealis dances as the snow begins to fall….So begins Åsa Larsson’s spellbinding thriller, winner of Sweden’s Best First Crime Novel Award and an international literary sensation.
Rebecka Martinsson is heading home to Kiruna, the town she’d left in disgrace years before. A Stockholm attorney, Rebecka has a good reason to return: her friend Sanna, whose brother has been horrifically murdered in the revivalist church his charisma helped create. Beautiful and fragile, Sanna needs someone like Rebecka to remove the shadow of guilt that is engulfing her, to forestall an ambitious prosecutor and a dogged policewoman. But to help her friend, and to find the real killer of a man she once adored and is now not sure she ever knew, Rebecka must relive the darkness she left behind in Kiruna, delve into a sordid conspiracy of deceit, and confront a killer whose motives are dark, wrenching, and impossible to guess….
First chapter of the series that has as its protagonist the lawyer Rebecka and Commissioner Anna-Maria Mella. Set in the cold, very cold Sweden, the novel is well written and captures the reader’s attention. Good are either the plot and the growing tension created by the author. In my opinion, the first novel in a series should have at least two requirements: it should obviously be a good story, but it should also create curiosity about the characters’ life that will push the reader to go further in following chapters of the series. Åsa Larsson knows it and she also knows how to do it does it. It is not a novel transcendental, but a good detective story and, certainly, a very good debut.